Thursday, October 6, 2011

Millionaires, People of Means and Military

What could these groups have in common? They are all potential targets of Theft, violence and acts of terrorism. Let’s face it any criminal will get more money from a wealthy person than a homeless man living under a bridge.
I’ll grant it to you that most of us don’t have access to millions in cash. But the fact that you are able to read this information proves you have means, a little above the average people throughout the world. Because you work and save for a better life you have means that some will target. Look around the opportunities that existed for the last several hundred years are not so abundant, many more people are turning to lives of crime. For the folks that are managing to weather this economic storm and stay above broke, this information is for you.
If Violence comes calling, What is your plan for protecting:
1. Yourself (why list yourself first, Simple if you are dead You cannot protect your family or property)
2. Family
3. Friends --hopefully you think like I do (But 3 and 4 can be reorganized), I believe that a good friend is more valuable than my cash, I can make more money but a good friend is hard to find)
4. Assets
Are you of the opinion that your cell phone will save you, maybe even the police? You carry a weapon and know how to use it, great when was the last time you shoot with your heart rate above 140 at multiple targets?
Are you relying on 8+ man Armed Teams to provide 24-7 protection (Great idea- Still, Crap happens and that kind of protection does eat into your treasure)?
Is it wise to train yourself as well as your family with abilities to fight, both with and without weapons? For me and Mine I believe so, When I travel with people that are prepared to deal with violence many potential problems are avoided. Should something happen I know what my family or team will and should do. This is a great comfort. Can you and your family shoot under stress and hit 6” targets at greater than 25 yards, can they survive an attack by several armed thugs? If your answer is no or I am not sure. Then Set up an appointment let’s get started, We can be a great help, by providing training and skills to prepare you with abilities for self-protection and situational awareness. Call 505-205-5734 Shon Wright

MOST PEOPLE (You did not become successful by listening to most people) will tell you that you do not need self-defense or combative training. What does the Military have to say ?


Unarmed combat and expedient-weapons training should not be limited to
forward units (Good idea, So lets get you get trained to deal with weapons and multiple attackers).
--- With low-intensity conflict scenarios and
guerrilla warfare conditions, any soldier is apt to face an unarmed
confrontation with the enemy, and hand-to-hand combative training can save
lives. The many practical battlefield benefits of combative training are not
only advantage, It can also—
a. Contribute to individual and unit strength, flexibility, balance, and
cardio respiratory fitness.
b. Build courage, confidence, self-discipline, and esprit de corps.
Excerpt From FM-21-150

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