Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Train to defend yourselves and your families

I had a very interesting conversation with a friend a few days ago pertaining to what this business (combat Survival) is about. We (self-defense Instructors) were basically accused of promoting hatred and instructing students to use violence for recreation or as a lifestyle. I was asked how as a Christian I could be involved with such a system.

This person (like many others) has a totally wrong understanding of what and why we train. I asked if this person if they had ever attended a class and of course the answer was no.
If you run into the kind of people I do, you may have found it hard to explain how you can work and pray for peace, and still be consistently prepared for war.

In a phrase “we fight so that we can live, not live so that we can fight”

Growing up in the West I was lucky enough to be mentored by a family with the mindset of the old West. We were taught to do what is right, stand up for people that need help and always protect what was entrusted to us. I often meet people who say that under no circumstance would they injure an animal or anyone else. That is their choice, (The choice to be a victim or to turn the fight back on the attacker and win).

Assume you are a Rancher and your livestock, is being attacked by a Lion. Would you just set in the ranch house and say it is Karma, and God’s will that the lion eat your way of living or would you get your rifle and go kill the Lion?
If you’re a Farmer whose field has no rain, yet a mile away was a full pond, would you haul water in a truck to feed the field, or let it die and say it is God’s will?

Like me, I am sure many of you have heard crap like “if I get assaulted, stabbed or shot it must be God’s will”. It is as if some people believe that they have no part in their own existence, I think they believe, lightning bolts are going to come from heaven and save them.
If you do not know how to swim and you decide to throw caution in the wind and jump in a lake you will most likely die, that was not Gods’ will, you were just stupid.
Commando Krav Maga lessons should be likened to swimming lessons for the pool of violence. We teach you to survive if you are ever thrown in. We acknowledge that Violence does happen to good people, and those prepared have a superior advantage to those that have never trained. We train you to survive and come home to those that you love and cherish.

When you are hard on yourself the world is easy, to the men and women who are easy on themselves the world is hard.

Till next time,


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